Two men and a teenager have been remanded in custody
A resident has labelled a ram raid attack on a Co-op store in Fulbourn as “mindless”.
Government says force needed to improve its effectiveness
Fire authority unhappy with government decision
Transport secretary announces cash for Cambridgeshire in battle to end pothole plague
Jenny Broadway hosted a gin tasting evening to highlight significance of Lynch Syndrome
Government appoints Jason Ablewhite as the new Police, Fire and Crime commissioner
No plans for investments in extractor fossil fuel companies
Government inspection says region's police requires improvement
A three story building will replace demolished sports club
City council to fund improvement programme for centre
Massive development plans for the heart of the city
Disgruntled student says she graduated with 'Mickey Mouse' degree
Sir John Sulston's death is confirmed by Sanger Institute
Campaign supports YMCA's 'Access to Employment' programme for young homeless people.
Work to replace bearings set to take place this month
Almost £800 raised despite cancellation of half time five-a-side game
Members of the public carried out CPR in vain effort to save victim
RSPCA and Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service worked together to save the bird
New safety campaign aimed at educating motorists