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Cambridgeshire school girl wins design competition

02 February 2018
Cambridgeshire school girl wins design competition

Cambridgeshire school girl wins design competition

02 February 2018

Aurelia Jordan takes top prize for design picture

Cambridge pensioner could have been taken ill at the wheel

01 February 2018
Cambridge pensioner could have been taken ill at the wheel

Cambridge pensioner could have been taken ill at the wheel

01 February 2018

Coroner says medical episode theory remains unanswered

Cambridge roads to feel the fire of the dragon in campaign to repair potholes

01 February 2018
Cambridge roads to feel the fire of the dragon in campaign to repair potholes

Cambridge roads to feel the fire of the dragon in campaign to repair potholes

01 February 2018

Innovative piece of kit will help tackle increasing pothole menace

Cambridge Emmaus launch buy-a-brick campaign to raise expansion funds

01 February 2018
Cambridge Emmaus launch buy-a-brick campaign to raise expansion funds

Cambridge Emmaus launch buy-a-brick campaign to raise expansion funds

01 February 2018

The charity has already raised £150,000 but needs more to complete the work

Spectacular light installation at Cambridge Manor care home wows both visitors and residents

30 January 2018
Spectacular light installation at Cambridge Manor care home wows both visitors and residents

Spectacular light installation at Cambridge Manor care home wows both visitors and residents

30 January 2018

The display was part of a project by community group Oblique Arts called Bright Lights CB4.

Teenager running London 10k in memory of dad lost through cancer

29 January 2018
Teenager running London 10k in memory of dad lost through cancer

Teenager running London 10k in memory of dad lost through cancer

29 January 2018

Eve Rose has already raised more than £5,100 for Arthur Rank Hospice charity

Extra rooms to help the homeless in Cambridge

29 January 2018
Extra rooms to help the homeless in Cambridge

Extra rooms to help the homeless in Cambridge

29 January 2018

A South Cambridgeshire charity for the homeless has launched a fundraising campaign to enable its vital services to expand.

Congestion in Cambridge blamed for cuts to bus services

27 January 2018
Congestion in Cambridge blamed for cuts to bus services

Congestion in Cambridge blamed for cuts to bus services

27 January 2018

A bus company has blamed congestion problems in Cambridge for its decision to reduce a number of services.

Questions raised over plastic plan on Parker's Piece in Cambridge

27 January 2018
Questions raised over plastic plan on Parker's Piece in Cambridge

Questions raised over plastic plan on Parker's Piece in Cambridge

27 January 2018

Cambridge City Council is considering using a form of plastic to reinforce the grass edges of the footpaths on Parker's Piece.

Cottenham man jailed for denying his dog vet care

26 January 2018
Cottenham man jailed for denying his dog vet care

Cottenham man jailed for denying his dog vet care

26 January 2018

Poor Patch had to have one of its legs amputated

Cambridge band to feature on Eggheads quiz

25 January 2018
Cambridge band to feature on Eggheads quiz

Cambridge band to feature on Eggheads quiz

25 January 2018

How well will they get on against the quizmasters?

Top radio presenter to give talk in Cambridge

23 January 2018
Top radio presenter to give talk in Cambridge

Top radio presenter to give talk in Cambridge

23 January 2018

Jane Garvey of Radio Four's Woman's Hour in charity event for Indian orphans

Cambridge station wins heritage award

22 January 2018
Cambridge station wins heritage award

Cambridge station wins heritage award

22 January 2018

Back to the golden age for station

Cambridgeshire villages vying for top TV award

21 January 2018
Cambridgeshire villages vying for top TV award

Cambridgeshire villages vying for top TV award

21 January 2018

Histon and Impington hoping to charm the nation

Police hunt motorist who failed to stop after collision with a cyclist in Cambridge

19 January 2018
Police hunt motorist who failed to stop after collision with a cyclist in Cambridge

Police hunt motorist who failed to stop after collision with a cyclist in Cambridge

19 January 2018

Cyclist in her 40s taken to Addenbrooke's with minor injuries

Former Cambridge businessman sentenced for selling dangerous toys

19 January 2018
Former Cambridge businessman sentenced for selling dangerous toys

Former Cambridge businessman sentenced for selling dangerous toys

19 January 2018

Kwun Ho Chan sold toys which contained chemicals over the legal limit

Cambridgeshire police to get more officers and hubs as a result of review

19 January 2018
Cambridgeshire police to get more officers and hubs as a result of review

Cambridgeshire police to get more officers and hubs as a result of review

19 January 2018

50 more frontline officers will tackle crime in the county

Storm Fionn chaos: Nine-vehicle crash on A14, M11 closure, power cuts - and man seriously hurt by fallen tree

18 January 2018
Storm Fionn chaos: Nine-vehicle crash on A14, M11 closure, power cuts - and man seriously hurt by fallen tree

Storm Fionn chaos: Nine-vehicle crash on A14, M11 closure, power cuts - and man seriously hurt by fallen tree

18 January 2018

Storm force winds leave a trail of havoc across the county

Magpas air ambulance in greater need than ever before

16 January 2018
Magpas air ambulance in greater need than ever before

Magpas air ambulance in greater need than ever before

16 January 2018

Charity air ambulance undertakes more than 100 more call outs

Cambridge residents warned as galeforce winds set to hit city within days

15 January 2018
Cambridge residents warned as galeforce winds set to hit city within days

Cambridge residents warned as galeforce winds set to hit city within days

15 January 2018

Met Office issues severe weather warning for the region

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