Nurses are taking second jobs and using foodbanks to make ends meet.
Cambridge University museums took three of the top ten spots.
Celebrations for tiger Amba's birthday on Friday, August 4, will raise funds for the Tiger Protection and Conservation Unit.
It will provide the 'missing link' in the Cambridge to Melbourn foot and cycle route along the A10.
Court action is being taken against the landlords of a travellers' site in Cottenham after they failed to remove illegal caravans and static homes.
The Borysiewicz Biomedical Sciences Fellowship Programme will award supplementary fellowships annually for four years to up to 10 of the most exceptional postdoctoral researchers when they start working in Cambridge.
The move has been pushed back from May, but CEO says it's an investment for future generations. Take a look inside.
Two council houses being built on Uphall Road will be the first in more than 20 years to be provided using Cambridge City Council's own workforce.
Science minister Jo Johnson opened the British Antarctic Survey's newest venture.
The South Cambridgeshire MP said commuters are being sold 'standing room on fewer services'.
A High Court injunction is now being considered to ban punt businesses from operating on all Cambridge City Council land.
The dockless bikes will now appear in 'Ofo hubs' to encourage use by commuters.
The routes of greenways to villages around Cambridge are being decided.
It's the first half of the Chisholm Trail that will connect both Cambridge train stations with a segregated cycle route.
Students from The Centre School in Cottenham have been working at homelessness charity Wintercomfort every week providing a pop-up coffee shop.
Three Tottenham Hotspurs legends will grace the Histon FC Glassworld Stadium on Sunday, July 23.
Anyone can nominate a member of staff who has gone above and beyond, achieved distinguished long service or who constantly overperforms.
Homes in Great Wilbraham have suffered decades of flooding, and residents are demanding that the council finally moves to solve the problem.
They're doing the trek from Land's End to John o' Groats for charity, asking strangers for help and donations along the way.
Cambridge Hackney Carriages could all turn Cambridge blue to help people distinguish them from private hire vehicles.