The yellow bikes were expected in March.
Alan Shipp is the owner of the world's largest collection of hyacinths and is Britain's only hyacinth grower.
Volunteers made the most of a sunny Saturday to clean the River Cam and public open spaces along the banks on March 25.
It will be funded by charity the Health Foundation's largest ever grant of £40 million.
A grant fund that helps support community groups across South Cambridgeshire has been topped up with £55,000.
Cambridge is set to become one of the world's smartest cities, with thousands of data-collecting sensors to be set up on buildings, lampposts, traffic lights and numerous other sources throughout the city over the next couple of years.
A new on-road bus route between Cambourne and Cambridge is to be considered – alongside the proposed £142million guided busway – as a solution to providing better services for commuters west of the city.
Participating in the lively debate were Cllr Paul Bullen (UKIP), Cllr Rod Cantrill (Liberal Democrats), Peter Dawe (Independent), Cllr James Palmer (Conservative) and Cllr Kevin Price (Labour).
He says a new 'cult of the anti-expert' has come to Cambridge.
Potential county and district councillors are being offered advice on how to be nominated to stand for election in South Cambridgeshire on May 4.
While the number of students is expected to soar over the next decade, schools in Cambridgeshire are struggling to attract new teachers.
Three policy priorites to press in the mayor's first term have been identified, including a congestion charge and expanding Cambridge city centre.
King Charles II was pivotal to the establishment and evolution of Newmarket as the Home of Horseracing.
A gift from a Cambridge alumnus will support fundamental research into the causes of neurodegenerative diseases.
MPs were locked in the House of Commons chamber amid the commotion - all Cambridgeshire MPs and their staff are thought to be safe.
The changes that boaters objected to were not for discussion in the consultation that informed the mooring fees changes.
A shared planning service between Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council is planned to become one of the largest district council planning teams in the country.
A pilot project involving Cambridge City Council's Independent Living Service and the University of Cambridge Museums Consortium, aims to tackle social isolation among people aged 60 or over.
Secondary and sixth form students will get the chance to showcase their scientific successes.
It would enable people on lower incomes to rent a new affordable home and have an opportunity to purchase in the long term.