Architects say it'll bring life to Station Square.
A 10-year plan has been created with the aim of ensuring the 400 year-old Hobson's Brook keeps flowing through Cambridge city centre.
A CAMRA guide is highlighting some of the regions best-kept heritage pubs and their interiors.
A date has been set for a High Court hearing that could give the council powers to stop punting from Garret Hostel Lane.
An extraordinary £25million, 300-acre country park and sports facility, complete with rowing, triathlon and canoeing facilities – and even a velodrome – is earmarked for land north of Cambridge.
Push to improve air quality as councillors hear Cambridge is falling below standards.
Several meetings are being held for residents who have concerns about planned incinerator and recycling facility.
Have you been offered to buy any of these signs?
Delays are expected north of the Girton Interchange.
The council is still seeking properties with three or more bedrooms that could be let for more than two years.
Cambridge University Hospitals (CUH) has developed a five-tier model to help consultants better counsel and treat the rising tide of prostate cancer patients.
Don't put your scarves and gloves away just yet.
The renowned scientist and communicator's most memorable quotes.
Police want to know if anyone recognises the robber's clothes.
Experts say it's contributing to the most common reason under-18s need to go to hospital.
The slow progress and hefty price tag that Network Rail is putting on a new Cambridge South railway station near Addenbrooke’s has prompted the region’s mayor, James Palmer, to label the organisation a “failure”.
Community groups can get up to £3,000 to help become more energy efficient and reduce the amount of energy they use.
Developers are showing their plans for up to 3,500 new houses.
A report is recommending the car park become a hotel or aparthotel, and the car park reduce in size by 60 per cent.
The council are exploring the use of East Cambridge Lakes as a country park.