Councillors spent five hours debating plans, with some voicing major concerns over transport links to Cambridge.
Helen Bradbury suggests there is an ‘unseemly haste’ to rush the Greater Cambridge Partnership scheme through while people are in lockdown.
The Greater Cambridge Partnership has scrapped plans to take C2C busway via Adams Road.
Developers claim its conversion of a city office block to flats will provide people with a home of a "perfectly reasonable size"
The county council is worried about the future of children's nurseries as only some staff costs can be reclaimed through the furlough scheme
A leading councillors says CAM funding is more unlikely with the UK government facing a huge debt because of the coronavirus.
Cambridge MP Daniel Zeichner has raised concerns over the home care sector.
Cllr Ian Manning, who represents Chesterton in Cambridge, said he was not thinking clearly at 3.30am.
There is concern that we do not known the true extent of the outbreak without better figures.
An appeal has been made against the CPS's decision not to prosecute Jason Ablewhite, the former Cambs police and crime commissioner.
While some pub owners have cancelled rent payments during lockdown, others have deferred them leaving tenants fearful of mounting debts.
Residents near Mill Road, Cambridge, believe a new train wash facility close to their homes will have an impact on their lives.
The beds will allow for people to be discharged from hospitals more quickly to relieve pressure on the NHS during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Councils are asking people to continue staying at home and keep to the government’s pandemic guidelines over the bank holiday weekend.
South Cambridgeshire MP Anthony Browne said the hospital “can now fully focus on fighting coronavirus and delivering first class healthcare”.
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The plans are part of a wider scheme that will bring new schools, a community building, sports fields, retail opportunities and public open space.
Cllr Aidan van de Weyer says the new development is contingent on high quality public transport.
Congestion and charging for loos among concerns voiced by city councillors.
Inspectors visited Cambridgeshire County Council’s children’s services over two days in February and published their findings today (March 5).