Essential items including food, toiletries, towels and sleeping bags were donated to the inaugural giving tree campaign.
Critics of the plans have warned they could create “mega councils” and erode power at the most-local levels.
The programme will look back over some of the show’s recent memorable moments.
Hundreds have already signed the petition.
Designated Bathing Water sites are monitored by the Environment Agency.
The appointment marks an exciting new chapter as the centre continues to grow its impact.
The action came as a result of frequent reports of anti-social behaviour.
It has recommended a series of conditions instead.
There will be a signposted diversion for motorists.
It warns that supply to cover demand beyond the emerging Local Plan is ‘not yet identified or funded’.
Work in Little Abington aims to create safer journeys.
The stretch at Sheep’s Green in Cambridge was among 27 sites in England to be given designated bathing status this year.
The Christmas attraction features an ice rink, curling, an alpine lodge, Christmas tree maze and Big Wheel.
The government said the transition to a publicly-owned railway will improve reliability.
Featuring both individuals and teams, the winners work across a host of departments at Addenbrooke’s and the Rosie.
Some 370 items were surrendered.
The work forms part of the Greater Cambridge Partnership’s Melbourn greenway.
It comes as they are due to strike on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.
The college is urging local MPs to support them on the matter.
He is hoping to unseat Dr Nik Johnson at the Combined Authority.