A new Taco Bell is coming to Cambridge and will open until the early hours of the morning – but not as late as the company had wanted.
The trial operating in Cambourne is due to be expanded in the city, and into Northstowe and Longstanton.
Mash nightclub was among those expressing concern.
The authority wants to be able to improve safety and reduce congestion by enforcing moving traffic offences.
Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council have prepared a response to a consultation being run by Anglian Water.
The authority conducted a review into what its future needs for its offices and buildings would be and how to make optimum use of them.
Existing buildings and garages will be demolished.
Cllr Heather Williams has asked whether alarm bells are ringing that “buses might just not be the answer to everything”.
‘Before we start throwing stones at others, we should get our own house in order,’ argues Conservative leader.
Cllr Pippa Heylings said the area was facing a perfect storm.
Councillors have shown support for changing the Cambridge weighting after Real Living Wage changes.
The site will also feature schools, community facilities, open spaces and allotments.
The outline application to develop the site off Histon Road was approved by South Cambridgeshire District Council’s planning committee.
Mayor Dr Nik Johnson says authority is learning from its mistakes.
Members of Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council approved a reserved matters application for the Eddington Avenue site.
The ‘Sustainable Travel Zone’ charge is proposed for private vehicles driving into, out of, or within the zone between 7am and 7pm on weekdays.
Darryl Preston says there are “far too many fatalities and serious injuries” on the county’s roads.
He admitted he is quite horrified by their use at times.
Darryl Preston said unauthorised encampments can ‘cause a lot of concern’ in communities, but he understood there were two sides of the situation.
A change to plans for a development in South Cambridgeshire to include more homes has been approved.