An independent review by real estate consultancy Avison Young into This Land Ltd has found areas of concern including how risks have been assessed.
A seven-hour meeting heard serious concerns over groundwater, sewage and drainage.
Schemes including an A505 project have been approved by county councillors.
But there are more than 100 objections to the plans.
It follows more than six years of work on the plans.
Thirty have already confirmed they will not get a jab.
The pet needed charcoal treatment.
While it supports the station in principle, it will raise a number of concern with Network Rail.
In trust board papers, it says that staff absence due to sickness and self-isolation continues to be an “area of challenge”.
Concerns were raised by councillors over who will use the rooms when University of Cambridge students are not there.
Diane Fitzmaurice asked Cambridge City Council to support making the city safer for vulnerable road users by reducing the default speed limit.
South Cambridgeshire District Council has confirmed its response to the public inquiry.
Amid concerns over lack of green space, rooftops courts are suggested.
Financial incentives in adult social care to help prevent a staffing shortage are being considered.
LJ’s Sandwich Bar and Barista wanted to serve alcohol until 10.30pm.
But councillors debate whether the strategy is ambitious enough.
Councillors went against planning officer’s recommendation.
There were questions over car parking and the sustainability rating.
The city council secured court orders for five people following aggressive begging, drug use and intimidation.
They were concerned about the scale of the plans and number of cycle spaces.