British Transport Police are investigating incidents on Saturday and Sunday (1 and 2 February).
Newly declassified files show the moment the notorious Cambridge double agent finally confessed to his treachery.
Newly-declassified files show the Queen was only told the full story a decade after the Cambridge don and royal courtier confessed he was a KGB spy.
The design and build fit-out company will supply apprentices with the tools and bags they need to support them with their work.
The opening of the Ukrainian CAM (Craft, Art & Music) Studio in Cambridge was billed as a day ‘for everyone from 4 to 104’.
New home buyers can reduce monthly payments for the first two years through Own New.
An exciting month of events for the fourth Cambridge Festival of Cycling gets rolling on Sunday (25 August) with the first Cambridge Criterium.
Cresset’s latest Flare platform aims to unleash the potential of creative molecule design in the early drug discovery process.
Philby was recruited by the KGB in the 1930s as part of the infamous Cambridge spy ring.
A vast array of artefacts, furniture, textiles and more from the larger-than-life character from Fulbourn will be on sale on 25 July.
The Champion of the Thames is Cambridge & District Camra’s 2024 Pub of the Year.
Topping out ceremonies marked reaching the highest construction point at Cambridge Investment Partnership’s (CIP) two city developments.
The former landlord of the Free Press and Cambridge Blue, well known as an oarsman and coach in the rowing community, has died after a short illness.
Successful bid for funds will enable CHS Group to improve energy efficiency in some of the homes it provides for 7,000 tenants.
Cambridge Investment Partnership completed the development delivered through funding from Homes England.
It has been held in a private Suffolk collection for the past 30 years.
The kit to mark the 150th anniversary of the Varsity match is a modern marvel of recycling innovation.
Experts examined data before and after the introduction of a national scheme with patients categorised by the urgency of their transplant need.
A unit in excess of 70,000 sq ft in Newmarket is available to let through Cheffins.
Delegates will hear from speakers on four separate stages during this all-day event on Friday (December 1) at the Moller Institute in Cambridge.