A bid to move a popular nightclub to an underground location and build a 125-room hotel above it has been delayed.
A new nursery has been given the go ahead in Cambridge city centre despite fears over noise and worries about accidents.
There are calls from senior board members for an independent review into the governance of the combined authority.
Plans to relocate one of Cambridge’s biggest nightclubs and build a 125-room hotel in Petty Cury have been recommended for approval.
Councillors have been left “gobsmacked” and “disturbed” after the authority’s chief financial officer was dismissed.
Having been “dead against” an off-road busway near Coton, the mayor of the Combined Authority now says he was “wrong” and that the Coton route is the “most sensible” solution.
Cambridge City Council has hit out at accusations it is “pushing people into bankruptcy” and making it harder for people struggling with debt.
Fears for flooding and the safety of children on their way to school have been raised after a bid was made to build new homes in Impington.
A village primary school is set for expansion despite fears it will be the “final nail in the coffin” for another school nearby, which would suffer a “slow and painful death”.
An elderly woman with severe dementia was housed in a Travelodge for “several days” by the county council, prompting concerns Cambridgeshire does not have enough resources to look after people in similar situations.
A new cycle-themed café has been given the go-ahead on a stretch of protected land near a Cambridge lake, but some worry the move could leave the door open for other restaurants, even a McDonald’s, to open in the green belt.
Mayor James Palmer claims the public is not “even slightly interested” about the circumstances surrounding the combined authority’s former chief executive’s mystery departure, or the “huge” £94,500 pay-out when he left.
The former chief executive of the combined authority was paid a staggering £94,500 when he left the job, despite not serving out any notice period, it has been revealed.
Emergency arrangements mean city council will provide free emergency accommodation in periods of very cold weather
County council agrees motion to work on improving air quality
Route expected to feature buses or tram-like vehicles and could eventually be extended to Haverhill
The leader of the Lib Dems in Cambridge has launched a bid to oust “absent” councillors as former Lib Dem Donald Adey continues as a councillor despite moving 400 miles away from his patch.
Authority needs to save money as it faces £14.6million shortfall in its budget
In an “extraordinary” and “unprecedented” intervention, top local government figures wrote of their “increasing concerns” with the Combined Authority, the very week its chief executive resigned.
Green stripe agreed - but some wanted Cambridge blue