A total of 19 vehicles were stopped in and around Cambridge to check, among other things, taxi driver badges were displayed correctly.
Celia Ward, 77, of Wyton, died after she was struck by a car in the incident in October 2020.
He appeared at Cambridge Magistrates’ Court.
The boys were assaulted when they were aged between seven and 13.
Our fitness expert Ollie Thompson discusses approaches to exercise that can make a difference in extending your lifespan.
Among those being presented with awards were Sheila Betts, from Trumpington, who is chair of the management committee of The Jarman Centre.
The One Day Tests clinic provides quick and easy access to blood testing services without the need for GP referral.
He has provided the musical accompaniment for the second series of the TV drama.
He also racially abused security staff in Cambridge.
The 24-year-old woman died at the scene of the crash on the A1303 near Bottisham
In Stress Awareness Month, Bronwyn Wilson and Leanne Gibbons, of Impington International College, offer some top tips to help reduce anxiety.
Charlotte West, from Over, is to throw herself out of a plane in memory of her uncle, who died of brain cancer.
Plus statements from independents and smaller parties.
The British Gliding Association’s National Women’s Go Gliding Weekend 2024 is taking place on 27-28 April.
He was sentenced at Peterborough Crown Court.
Illumina is a global leader in DNA sequencing and array-based technologies and is at the forefront of genomics.
Her Royal Highness met with bricklaying apprentices who demonstrated the various stages needed to build a house.
The road is not expected to open until after 4pm.
Luke Brown attacked his partner, knocking teeth out.
He says his chances of success are “50 to 1 against”.