Find out what the Chancellor’s announcements mean for you.
Cambridgeshire County Council has been urged to release details of a report about the tenancy of a council-owned farm given to its deputy leader.
The key points from Chancellor Rishi Sunak’s announcement on March 3.
We teamed up with COEL, Allia Future Business Centre, Bidwells and Cambridge Science Centre for the contest.
A call suggested a screwdriver had been wielded.
Pupils will return to England’s classrooms on March 8 in the first stage of a plan that will take until the summer.
It comes as construction begins on an underpass for the Chisholm Trail project.
The data is the first to examine the impact of first doses.
On Thursday, February 18, the Cambridge Union hosted a virtual debate on the motion ‘This House believes China is more a threat than an opportunity’.
The Government is looking at how coronavirus testing of school pupils could help the return to the classroom, a health minister has confirmed.
A series of fascinating events can be viewed online by anyone anywhere in the world during the inaugural Cambridge Festival (March 26 – April 4).
Developer First Base is inviting people to share their views on the future of the Travis Perkins depot site on Devonshire Road.
Cambridgeshire-based potter wins in deciding frame
A man has been jailed a day after targeting a Market Hill pizza outlet.
They can travel 160 miles between a full charge
Imam Muhammad Amir Karim, of the Abu Bakr Mosque on Mawson Road, urges people not to believe sensationalist stories.
Zac Jackson, 38, of Coleridge Road, had warned he was going to strangle her.
Cllr Rosy Moore explains what
Over-70s are being invited in for vaccination.
Police, paramedics and the air ambulance were called.