Police want to hear from witnesses or anyone with dashcam footage.
Violence broke out in Walnut Tree Avenue.
Scientists from the University of Cambridge are applying their research skills to beat established players in London. .
Weapons were used say police as they urge witnesses to come forward.
Michelle Winter, 49, of Godmanchester, was described as a dangerous individual, with a “clear propensity to violence”.
Police have seized suspected drugs at a home in Bassingbourn.
The Met Office has issued an amber weather warning for snow and ice for Saturday, January 16 across the Eastern region.
GP practices in Cambridge and the surrounding areas will start to deliver Covid-19 vaccinations to local residents aged over 80 this week.
Tesco, Asda and Waitrose are the latest supermarkets to refuse entry to customers without a face covering.
Officers raided his Mill Road home after receiving intelligence.
First round defeat for Cambridge potter
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An investigation into a woman who plotted to have her ex-husband killed will be the focus of a two-part special of 24 Hours in Police Custody.
He has been jailed over the supply of crack cocaine and heroin.
They came to deal crack cocaine.
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He stole cash, jewellery, binoculars and cigarettes.
Parenting columnist Emilie Silverwood-Cope enjoyed a night of panto fun at the Cambridge Arts Theatre's socially distanced show.
Joel Farrow-Brown, 21, also threw bottles of alcohol at two men in a Tesco store
Crews fought tirelessly in an attempt to rescue the three-year-old boy and seven-year-old girl.