Taxi service’s free delivery is for higher purpose
A Cambridge taxi firm is offering free services to help older people access vital supplies during the coronavirus crisis.
“We are offering a free taxi service to the over-70s,” CamCab boss Rowhi Nemer told the Cambridge Independent. “We’ll collect and deliver from any food store - Tesco’s, Sainsbury’s, anywhere. The service is available for anyone who hasn’t got help and, if things get worse, we will make our fleet available for doctors and nurses who need to make journeys to Addenbrooke’s Hospital.”
That situation is hopefully many weeks away, if required, but in the meanwhile Mr Nemer says: “We all have to work together to get through this and that’s why we’re happy to help in any way we can.”
The Coldhams Road-based company, which has a fleet of 110 vehicles, will transport groceries from supermarkets to homes for the foreseeable future.
Customers can call CamCab on 01223 704704. You will need to order shopping via a supermarket’s ‘click and collect’ service and have an order number and collection time.