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The Labour government’s proposed planning reforms to drive economic recovery

Sponsored feature | Brendon Lee, legal director, HCR Hewitsons

Brendon Lee, of HCR Hewitsons. Picture: HCR
Brendon Lee, of HCR Hewitsons. Picture: HCR

The Labour government recently launched its consultation on reforms to the National Policy Planning Framework (NPPF). The consultation closed on 24 September, 2024 with the revised NPPF likely in effect early in the new year. The reforms are part of the government’s aim to drive growth in the UK economy through more development. This includes ambitious housing targets and focus on green infrastructure projects.

The key changes include:

New mandatory housing targets: Certainly, a key objective of the government and its aim for the planning reforms to drive the economy is to increase the number of houses built per year. To achieve this, the revised NPPF will introduce mandatory housing targets on local authorities together with new mechanisms to enforce them.

Changes to green belt policies: While the government still maintains a desire to protect the green belt, changes are proposed to the NPPF to force local authorities to release land from the green belt through mandatory reviews, and the release of green belt and where commercial and housing needs are not met.

Focus on infrastructure projects: The planning reforms are not only in relation to housing but also include a strong focus on driving infrastructure projects in the UK. Particular focus is on speeding up the process for renewable energy infrastructure such as solar and onshore wind projects consistent with the new government’s aim to transform the UK into a clean power nation.

New design code for development: The proposed revised NPPF will do away with references to ‘beauty’ and ‘beautiful’. Instead, the government is proposing a National Model Design Code – or, where available, local design codes – as the means for assessing and improving the design of development.

Expected increased planning fees: The planning reforms are not all good news for landowners and developers. The government has also mooted proposed increases in planning application fees. Such fees were only recently increased in December last year by the previous government.

In conclusion, these proposed planning reforms by the new government will hopefully encourage economic growth in the UK, and create greater opportunity for developers, landowners, promoters and investors across all sectors of the economy.

For more information, contact Brendon Lee, legal director, Planning, Highways & Environment, on 01223 532757 or 07467 719066.

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