TusPark talk at The Bradfield Centre will help you do business with China
Event is the first in series of China lectures and networking events on Cambridge Science Park
An event to demystify the process of doing business with China is on offer at The Bradfield Centre on Cambridge Science Park.
Being held on Wednesday October 3, from 5.30-7.30pm, it is the first in a series of lectures and networking events being held in association with TusPark, the science park body of Tsinghua University in Beijing.
TusPark, is investing £200million into Cambridge Science Park, will deliver a presentation and take questions from the audience at the event, before networking and drinks.
The event in the auditorium - titled ‘Introduction to China - all you want to know but were afraid to ask’ - is free to attend. Register via the Eventbrite website.
Topics covered will include:
• How much do you know about China?
• You might have seen more Chinese faces around in the recent years. What are they doing?
• You have heard your friends doing business with Chinese people. Is it straightforward? What are the opportunities and challenges?
The timetable for the event is:
• 5-5.30pm Refreshments
• 5.30-6.30pm TusPark presentation plus Q&A
• 6.30-7.30pm Networking and drinks
Read more
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200,000 sq ft building on Cambridge Science Park granted permission
Cambridge Science Park supplement: Issue 2