24 June 2020
Discover how to get tickets for Cambridge's new drive-in cinema and a series of drive-in concerts announced this week
22 June 2020
Beauty technology offers easy hair removal experience
20 June 2020
Arbury Road grape specialist picks top five summer wines - with prize draw for birthday week
19 June 2020
Up to 20 items available for delivery
12 June 2020
Managers of The Grafton, Lion Yard and Grand Arcade urge patience with new rules including one-way systems and hands-free browsing.
30 May 2020
Click It delivery service now has 40 independent retailers
24 May 2020
Combined with Bavarian company Outdooractive, platform features 2,500 destinations, 7.3m subscribers and 450,000 routes
22 May 2020
Cantab Catering adapts to deal with pandemic
04 May 2020
Cambridgeshire residents can get help fixing broken items at online Repair Cafés.
01 May 2020
Own-brand juice company keeps prices low for drinks and snacks range delivery within 50 miles of Cambridge
24 April 2020
Addenbrooke’s nurse’s faith in humanity restored by Cambridge cycling community
14 April 2020
The two-metre pole is sterilised after each transaction.
11 April 2020
Mask plus app delivers information on oxygen consumption, CO2 production and respiratory frequency
10 April 2020
Rounded the day off nicely!
08 April 2020
The service begins work with independent stores and retailers in Cambridge from April 14.
08 April 2020
A Cambridge company, which delivers fresh produce to people's homes, has set up a network of community angels to help get food to the vulnerable.
06 April 2020
The discount retailer, which has a store at the Beehive Centre in Cambridge, has not disclosed which stores are to shut.
03 April 2020
No action on outstanding balances, and flexible payments or payment holidays
01 April 2020
The spread of spoof stories and scams related to coronavirus has prompted the government to take action.
30 March 2020
Italian restaurant closes Grand Arcade diner: coronavirus was final straw to difficult trading conditions