02 November 2017
A collection of maps of the human body will act as an open resource to aid medical research and help diagnose disease.
26 October 2017
Collaboration could help identify potential therapeutic targets for prostate and breast cancers.
05 October 2017
The Cambridge Independent is campaigning to raise £100,000 with Cancer Research UK to pay for trials at Addenbrooke'.
04 October 2017
With 36.7 million living with HIV across the world, there is a pressing need for a vaccine. But so far, one that offers lasting protection has eluded scientists.
02 October 2017
Actor and writer Morwenna Banks will be among those supporting the fundraiser.
27 September 2017
Papworth Hospital to become the first in the East of England to get royal status.
22 September 2017
The pharmacy is the beating heart at the centre of Addenbrooke's Hospital, and is responsible for reducing pain, fighting infections and improving the quality of life of patients.
13 September 2017
Isabelle Rosamond wants to stop the stigma surrounding the disease.
22 August 2017
It is already killing an estimated 700,000 annually - and it's predicted to get worse. But Dr Heather Fairhead of Phico Therapeutics may have uncovered a solution.
20 August 2017
Like an army on guard, our immune system is fighting off new threats to us daily. So how is cancer able to develop? And how can we use the body's own defences to defeat it?
14 July 2017
Taking 1.2 million calls a year, the contact centre at Addenbrooke's is one busy place - and it's fundamental to the smooth running of the hospital.
15 June 2017
A student at The Leys School who has faced a lifetime of health challenges is helping other young people to cope with long stays in hospital.
14 June 2017
Using a pioneering technique with one of the world's most advanced microscopes, scientists have made a ground-breaking biological discovery that could help develop new cancer treatments.
09 June 2017
An amazing army of voluntary workers carry out an incredible array of roles for Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust.
25 May 2017
An Addenbrooke's worker who's raised over £6,000 for Cancer Research UK by walking 10,000 miles is urging other people to walk 10,000 steps a day for the charity this June.
09 May 2017
An announcement that the University of Cambridge will help form the new £250million UK Dementia Research Institute came on a day that two promising drugs were named as potential treatments.
07 April 2017
At Addenbrooke’s, it’s not just the patients, staff and visitors that get fed – there is also a specialist kitchen for babies and children.
29 March 2017
It will be funded by charity the Health Foundation's largest ever grant of £40 million.
03 March 2017
More than 5.2million pieces of linen from Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust are laundered each year as well as 24,000 uniforms adjusted.
02 March 2017
We discuss ideas to give our hospitals a shot in the arm, with Prof Stefan Scholtes, an expert in health management.