15 November 2019
Matthew Corbett’s original TV Sooty Mobile has been unearthed from a garage after 20 years of gathering dust
07 November 2019
Campaigners have spoken out at a public inquiry about their fears if a massive waste incinerator is built on their doorstep
30 October 2019
The city council could seek private investors to fund a redevelopment of Cambridge market square if designs are approved next year.
28 October 2019
Girton College, Cambridge has celebrated its 150th anniversary.
05 October 2019
St John’s Community Centre on Hills Road was officially opened by the Bishop of Ely
26 September 2019
Duo's resolution asks trust's 5½million members to sever contact with chocolate brand because of impact on rainforests.
26 September 2019
A digitised version of the diary by Sir James Wordie will be available in the autumn
14 September 2019
The scheme has six plots at the allotments where vegetables, herbs, soft fruit and wildflowers are grown using organic methods.
08 September 2019
Stourbridge Medieval Fair mingles past, present and future
17 August 2019
Fordham's James Withers was mentioned in the same breath as Burns and Byron but went from rags to riches and back again
21 July 2019
Programme of service and theatre continues - as does mystery of tunnel link to another part of riverside
21 July 2019
Wonderful photos form part of the archive that will be preserved
12 July 2019
The theatre has hosted many of Britain’s top actors including Sir Ian McKellen, Dame Emma Thompson, Stephen Fry, and Tom Hiddleston
27 June 2019
Iconic Cambridge building to be given new lease of life
26 June 2019
Developers who want to demolish and relocate a beloved Cambridge music venue will listen to locals' views this week
14 June 2019
Indigenous leaders lead four-day Mayan-inspired festival near Fowlmere: stunning new pictures by Jethro Tanner
13 June 2019
An application has been made to declare the historic site a 'town green'
07 June 2019
The Pye History Trust has unveiled a permanent Pye exhibition at the Cambridge Museum of Technology
04 June 2019
Who knew there was actually a history of wonky things? The Histories of the Unexpected LIVE delves into the past to find truly weird subjects
03 June 2019
Win tickets to the secret launch of The Hidden Tales - a children's book that contains clues to a treasure hunt around Cambridge