09 May 2019
Experienced tenants, Peter and Megan Friskey, will take charge of the Three Tuns in Guilden Morden
05 May 2019
It could aid disease diagnosis, guide treatments and aid discovery of new therapies
04 May 2019
Former Selwyn College graduate Charles Courtenay Lloyd married a Russian princess and helped to liberate Norway
02 May 2019
The scheme is one of the biggest of its kind in the UK
02 May 2019
The clock is ticking down to a council meeting that will decide vulnerable women's fate
01 May 2019
Parents of a Cambridgeshire pupil are given a four-week suspended sentence for taking their child out of school for holidays.
29 April 2019
Cow decides to go for a swim in Cambridge river but fire crews show their udder dedication to save it
29 April 2019
The city council’s rapid response cleaning teams respond within two working hours to calls about needles
26 April 2019
Dr Feelgood and Game of Thrones legend didn't let it stop him
25 April 2019
Paul Trepte has stepped down after 29 years following a moving final Easter Day service
25 April 2019
Public event hears that unregulated third party services are commercialising genomics - and NHS is our best hope
24 April 2019
Two churches have joined forces to survey their local communities in a bid to find out what services they want
24 April 2019
James Braxton and Izzie Balmer pop into town for an educational experience
19 April 2019
Andy Kent overcomes brain injury to pen his life story
18 April 2019
NASA is leading a project to put humans back on the lunar surface
14 April 2019
Grand re-opening expected to take place in early June
14 April 2019
Highways England reject accusations they are felling trees which hold nesting birds
13 April 2019
Masterchef runner-up Alex Rushmer onto a winner with new Mill Road restaurant
12 April 2019
'Die-in' as school-age campaigners organise disruption - and education - on international day of action
11 April 2019
True Visions Production company fined £120,000 for unlawful and unfair filming of patients