Votes for Rosen, Biles and Rashford as school renames halls
Pupils at Shirley Community Primary School in Cambridge got some experience of what it was like to vote in an election.
John Cattermole, headteacher, said: “We’ve got a new hall and an old hall and we said to the children ‘We want you to name the halls after someone special to the school’.
“So they went away and talked about who they’d like to be on the shortlist and they came up with six people: Michael Rosen, the poet, David Attenborough, the naturalist, Simone Biles, the gymnast, Marcus Rashford, the footballer and food campaigner, Harriet Tubman, the abolitionist, and Queen Elizabeth II, the UK’s longest-serving monarch.
“Then they researched them and found out more about them in class, did some homework about it, and put posters up around the school.”
The election took place on the Friday before half term (24 May).
Parents, staff and governors also voted and John notes that the winner “by a long way” was Michael Rosen.
In second and third place were Simone Biles and Marcus Rashford. The library will now become the Michael Rosen Library, the dining hall (the old hall) is to be the Marcus Rashford Hall and the new hall will become the Simone Biles Hall.