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400 sign petition calling for new walking links as Westbrook Centre revamp comes before Cambridge city councillors

Plans to redevelop the Westbrook Centre in Cambridge into a new science and research campus are recommended for approval at a planning committee meeting - and a 400-strong petition is calling for new walking links to be created for residents in the area.

The four existing office blocks in Westbrook Drive, off Milton Road, are proposed to be demolished to make way for three new life science buildings that are projected to deliver 1,000 new full-time jobs.

How the Westbrook Centre could look under proposals from Forge_Kn powered by Reef Group
How the Westbrook Centre could look under proposals from Forge_Kn powered by Reef Group

Developers were asked to prove the buildings would not have a negative impact on the water environment after a first screening opinion concluded “there was insufficient evidence to demonstrate no harm to the water environment or that sustainable water supplies can be provided”.

They have provided a new proposal that was rescreened with submission of a water resources assessment. According to meeting reports, “as this assessment demonstrated that the proposed development, through mitigation measures, would decrease the potable water demand below that of the existing site usage, officers then concluded that the development would now be unlikely to have significant adverse impacts on the environment/water resources.”

Significant tree loss is required for the development to go ahead as planned. However, the council’s tree officer has not raised an objection as, according to the report “the majority of removals are internal and their wider landscape value is limited. In addition, the layout accommodates replacement planting, including locations for trees of stature, that will mitigate the loss of the canopy cover in the long term.”

The Environment Agency has made no comment.

The proposals are coming before the planning committee at Cambridge City Council on Wednesday (24 July).

The existing Westbrook Centre in Cambridge. Picture: Google
The existing Westbrook Centre in Cambridge. Picture: Google

A large group of campaigners has expressed a hope that new access points should be created to allow cyclists and pedestrians to travel through the site, although some residents have also opposed the idea in the past, citing anti-social behaviour concerns.

The move would require the owners of the Fellows House aparthotel on Milton Road to allow long-term pedestrian/cycle routes to be connected through the Westbrook site toward Victoria Road, although they are under no obligation to do so.

Nick Flynn, who is leading the Better Walking for West Chesterton campaign, said: “A walking and cycling route from the Westbrook Centre to Gilbert Road would provide a valuable shortcut benefiting residents throughout the West Chesterton area. As well providing Lilywhite Drive residents a shorter, more direct route to schools and other destinations off Gilbert Road, it would also benefit employees and visitors to the Westbrook Centre, including children wishing to use the new play area that will be provided directly next to this new walking and cycling route.”

“Our Better Walking for West Chesterton campaign is also campaigning for new connections from the Westbrook Centre to Lilywhite Drive and Corona Road. A link to Corona Road would further enhance the benefits of a Gilbert Road connection.

Campaigners standing in front of the potential link between Gilbert Road and the Westbrook Centre, seen in the background. Picture: Better Walking for West Chesterton
Campaigners standing in front of the potential link between Gilbert Road and the Westbrook Centre, seen in the background. Picture: Better Walking for West Chesterton

“Together these two new connections would provide a new safer walking route between Victoria Road and Gilbert Road that bypasses a dangerous section of Mitcham’s Corner with narrow pavements and two lanes of fast traffic, increasing safety for vulnerable road users.”

“We’ve collected almost 400 signatures on a petition in favour of new walking routes to the Westbrook Centre, and public comments have demonstrated strong demand to provide them. Active Travel England have also listed ‘site permeability’ as an ‘area of concern’ in the Westbrook Centre planning application, noting how the ambitious active travel targets are unlikely to be realised unless the approach to off-site / access infrastructure improves.”

How the residents say new links at the Westbrook Centre could improve journeys for pedestrians. Map: Google Maps / Nick Flynn
How the residents say new links at the Westbrook Centre could improve journeys for pedestrians. Map: Google Maps / Nick Flynn

The campaigners point out that when the Fellows House aparthotel planning application was being discussed, the owners agreed a financial contribution to providing a walking link in an S106 agreement, but the council reallocated the money to other uses rather than letting it sit unused.

“It would be an utter failure of the council to allow multiple large developments in the area and yet not provide any of the new walking links between them that are included in council planning policies,” said Nick.

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