Cambridge transport charity saved at the 11th hour
Future of transport charity Dial-A-Ride saved by Tesco intervention
A celebrated Cambridge community transport charity has been saved from the axe at the eleventh hour.
Cambridge Dial-a-Ride was fighting for its future after being told it would have to move from its current base on Coldhams Road due to redevelopment plans in the new year.
Even world famous scientist Professor Stephen Hawking, who was involved in its launch in the early 1990s, had urged the city’s university to help save the charity. But the charity has received the best possible early Christmas present with Tesco on Newmarket Road stepping in to provide the charity with a base for its transport.
Chairman Alan Edwards, 79, who has been involved with the charity since 2004, said: “We are absolutely delighted that Tesco in Cheddars Way off the Newmarket Road has given us an agreement to park our seven buses on their site.
“The agreement that we have signed gives us a six-month rolling arrangement which will ensure we will be able to continue our activity at the same level for the foreseeable future.
“We will be moving to the new premises in mid-January.”
Until then the charity will keep its buses at its current home in Ridgeons in Cromwell Road. Their decision to relocate put the charity under threat until Tesco stepped in.