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Enjoy a walk for World Cancer Day in Grantchester Meadows

A walking event for World Cancer Day will take place at Grantchester Meadows on Sunday (4 February), followed by a visit to the Orchard Tea Rooms.

Participants should meet at 10am at the tea rooms for a 10.10am start. The walk is due to finish at around 11am.

Sheila Kissane-Marshall, founder and CEO of Boutros Bear. Picture: Keith Heppell
Sheila Kissane-Marshall, founder and CEO of Boutros Bear. Picture: Keith Heppell

The event is being organised by Boutros Bear, a hybrid healthcare company that delivers transformative care, recovery and rehabilitation programmes for employees struggling with chronic and persistent conditions, including cancer.

Sheila Kissane-Marshall, founder and CEO, said: “It’s a day to raise awareness of the amount of people in the world who have a cancer diagnosis – and the prevalence is increasing.”

But Sheila noted that long-term survival rates have more than doubled in recent years. “Because people now do have these long-term survival rates, it’s important that their quality of life is good,” she said, “and one of the most beneficial things of quality of life, and reducing the risk of a recurrence of cancer, is increasing frequency of exercise.”

Cancer patients, clinicians, family members, friends, colleagues and four-legged friends are all welcome at the event.

Sheila has also invited people who work in the biotech and life sciences sectors in and around Cambridge to take part.

To take part, email info@boutrosbear.com. For more on Boutros Bear, visit boutrosbear.com.

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