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Former school bus driver who indecently assaulted girl in Cambridge in 1980s is jailed

A former school bus driver who indecently assaulted a teenage girl multiple times in the 1980s has been jailed.

James Clark, 72, assaulted the girl on the bus in Cambridge between 1985 and 1987.

Cambridge Crown Court, East Road
Cambridge Crown Court, East Road

It came to light when concerns were raised about Clark’s behaviour in the 1980s and officers contacted the victim during their investigation.

Clark denied four counts of indecent assault of a girl under 16 but was found guilty on 16 January following a trial at Cambridge Crown Court.

On Friday (23 February) at the same court, Clark, of Noble Gardens, March, was given a 42-month sentence. He was jailed for 21 months and will serve the remaining 21 months on licence in the community.

Det Con Alice Tasker said: “Clark targeted the victim in this case and abused her in the most shameful way.

“What happened has had a devastating impact on her life. I’d like to commend her for her bravery throughout the investigation and court process.

“This case shows time is not a barrier when prosecuting sexual offences. I’d encourage anyone who has been abused to come forward and seek help.”

Visit the dedicated section of the police’s website for information and support concerning sexual offences.

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