Global charity marks 10th anniversary with new Cambridge name
Addenbrooke's Aboard becomes Cambridge Global Health Partnership
The Addenbrooke’s charity scheme which sends hospital staff around the world to help in developing countries marked its 10th anniversary last week by announcing a new name.
Addenbrooke’s Abroad is now Cambridge Global Health Partnerships. The new name, says Addenbrooke’s Charitable Trust which runs the scheme, reflects the programme’s growing work with health partnerships across the world. There are also plans to expand the scheme to include other NHS staff and Cambridge Biomedical Campus staff.
At an event last Thursday, attended by Dorcas Makgato, minister of health and wellness for Botswana, Evelyn Brealey, programme director, said: “There are exciting times ahead and we will continue to work to inspire people, harness their expertise and provide the support they need to make the biggest impact safely, effectively and ethically.”
Since the programme was established in 2007 it has supported more 460 staff to volunteer in excess of 10,100 days.