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Greater Cambridge Local Plan’s 48,794 new homes explained - including all 19 newly identified sites for development

The first proposals for the next Greater Cambridge Local Plan suggest 19 new sites for development in the period to 2041 - and here we detail them all.

Tens of thousands of new homes will be built in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire in the coming two decades
Tens of thousands of new homes will be built in Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire in the coming two decades

Among them are North East Cambridge, which is earmarked for 3,900 homes, and Cambridge East - currently the airport site - which is slated for 2,850 new homes.

Meanwhile, there is a ‘broad allocation’ of 1,950 new homes at Cambourne, meaning a precise area for the homes has not been identified. These would be in addition to those already being built at West Cambourne.

In total, these 19 sites - as listed below - would provide space for 9,096 new homes over the next two decades, under the proposals drawn up by Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council. Some 384 of these are in rural villages.

The councils, working together as the Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service, have also suggested the number of homes being built at three existing developments could be accelerated, so that more are delivered within the plan period.

These sites - at Eddington, Waterbeach and Northstowe - add a further 2,500 homes, taking the total number of new homes identified in the new Local Plan proposals to 11,596.

These are in addition to 37,198 homes already in the pipeline from the last Local Plan, at sites like Waterbeach new town, Eddington, Northstowe, Cambourne West, Bourn Airfield, Darwin Green, Marleigh and land north of Cherry Hinton.

These take the total number of new homes proposed for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire in the period of 2020-41 to 48,794.

A map showing the major development sites identified in the first proposals of the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan, which will guide development to 2041. Map: Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service
A map showing the major development sites identified in the first proposals of the new Greater Cambridge Local Plan, which will guide development to 2041. Map: Greater Cambridge Shared Planning Service

The first proposals are being debated by councillors before they go out to public consultation in November.

The following interactive map enables you to explore the plans in more detail.

Look out for the political reaction to the Local Plan first proposals in the Cambridge Independent edition of September 8-14, 2021.

Read more

Interactive map: See the sites where nearly 49,000 new homes are proposed for Cambridge and South Cambridgeshire

Anthony Browne MP condemns 49,000-home Greater Cambridge Local Plan proposals as ‘nightmare’ for South Cambridgeshire

4,500-home Waterbeach New Town East development approved by South Cambridgeshire District Council

3,500-home new village at Bourn Airfield given outline planning permission

1,200 homes and two new schools north of Cherry Hinton granted outline planning permission

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