Heroes one and all - Cambs Chief Constable rewards bravery in the line of duty
Heroes rewarded for their bravery by Cambs police
Police officers, staff and members of the public have been commended in a special award ceremony.
Cambridgeshire’s Chief Constable Alec Wood held his commendation ceremony at the force Headquarters where he presented awards to recognise and reward Cambridgeshire police personnel for delivering a service that friends and family would be proud of.
Attendees heard stories of heroic behaviour, professionalism, commitment, outstanding work and diligence from officers and members of the public. The evening was also an opportunity to reflect on the past year and look forward to the next.
Chief Constable Alec Wood said: “The awards are a fantastic display of the professionalism, tenacity, bravery and commitment of our officers, staff and volunteers, as well as a wonderful opportunity to recognise the efforts of members of the public who have gone above and beyond to save lives and help officers.
“I am incredibly proud of all of our colleagues across the force and my thanks and congratulations go to each and every one of the recipients for their dedication to protecting the people of Cambridgeshire.”
Police and Crime Commissioner Jason Ablewhite said: “It is a real honour for me to meet so many outstanding people and highlight the incredible work they do. I would like to extend my congratulations to each and every one of the recipients. Their achievements are truly humbling and make a huge difference to our communities.”
Royal Humane Society Awards
Resuscitation Certificate
• PC Andrea Farnes - Huntingdonshire
• PC Chris Thompson - HQ
• PC Stuart Appleton – HQ
• Master Aaron Spencer – Member of the public
• Master James Richardson – Member of the public
Chief Constable’s Commendation
• Supt Laura Hunt – HQ
• DC Ralph King - HQComms Assistant - Laura Wilson - HQ
Judge’s Commendation
• Insp Lucy Mason (now Thomson) - HQ
• Pippa Druett - Member of the public
• DC Amanda Blythe - HQ
• DC Lloyd Metselaar – Peterborough
• DS John Yore – East Cambs
• DC Peter Ware – East Cambs
• PC Alistair McKenzie - East Cambs
East of England Ambulance Service
• PC Jack Drewery – Peterborough
• Sgt Kayleigh Smith – Peterborough