‘Hostility’ for new shop mobility scheme charges
Published: 15:23, 07 April 2018
| Updated: 11:34, 30 November 2018
An unpublished council consultation shows “uniform hostility” to new charges being introduced to users of the council’s Shop Mobility service.
The scheme allows people to borrow a wheelchair or scooter for assistance while shopping in the city centre.
From this month, a £40 membership and £5 daily equipment fee will be introduced – £10 for non-members.
The city’s Liberal Democrat leader Cllr Tim Bick said: “It’s hardly surprising that the responses were few, but they were strikingly clear in their opposition. The results were never provided to councillors before the charges went ahead.
“In this case, it’s so much more outrageous because its impact is to the detriment of disabled and elderly people, those who Cambridge should be leaning over backward to include in the life of the city.”