The Cambridge Morris Men were out in force dancing across the city on Saturday (27 April), ably supported by members of other Morris dancing sides, to celebrate their 100th anniversary.
The Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith Heppell
The Cambridge Morris Men (CMM) were founded in 1924 and are one of the oldest revival sides in the country. They finished their day of dancing by congregating on Parker’s Piece.
The Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith Heppell
Paul Redhead, one of CMM’s foremen, said: “The weather was the usual mix of April showers, but the city centre was full of people.
“We had about 100 Morris men, with Cambridge Morris Men and eight guest sides, so we were around in the city centre in the market square, Quayside and so on.
“It was bustling, interesting, enjoyable and there was the usual full colour of Cambridge stuff going on – a degree ceremony and big demonstrations going on outside Trinity. We even managed to entertain a hen party on Quayside!
“So we had a really nice time, we ended up on Parker’s Piece at 4.30pm, where the whole lot of us all gathered together, and we had a PA system.
“Each of the sides did their party pieces – their show dances – and we did some mass dances. We had a good audience – 100 or so people – to watch us, which was pretty decent given the cold wind.”
The Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith HeppellThe Cambridge Morris Men were joined by dancers from other sides on Parker’s Piece. Picture: Keith Heppell
CMM, who also danced outside some pubs on Saturday, including The Maypole and The Free Press, have more events planned to mark their 100-year anniversary.
Morris dancing – a traditional form of folk dance – first appeared in England in the 15th century.