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Keeping Cambridge clean and green - volunteers plan for the year ahead

Environmental volunteers hold end of year 'mingle munch' lunch to celebrate achievements this year.

In 2016, the council recruited 49 Streets and Open Spaces volunteers. Over the year, these volunteers invested 480 hours between them in carrying out local litter picks, revamping benches, cleaning graffiti and taking part in the council’s ‘Dog Watch’ scheme.

Yesterday volunteers celebrated their achievements last year and made plans for the year ahead.

David Wesson, a Streets and Open Spaces Volunteer, said: “A little bit of time makes a big difference keeping this town a pleasant place to live and work. And I get some free exercise. Can’t beat that!”

Recycling champions actively participated in various events last year, including council run community action days, Arbury Carnival, Chesterton Festival, Cambridge Folk Festival and many other events where they were handing out green kitchen caddies and educating the public about the importance of recycling and waste management.

The recycling champions are active members of the community who are passionate about recycling and sustainable living.

Cllr Anna Smith, executive councillor for streets and open spaces, said: “It was a pleasure to meet some of our volunteers. It was also a great opportunity to learn about the plans for the year ahead.

“I want to pass on my sincere thanks to the volunteers for helping us to keep Cambridge a clean and pleasant city. Our volunteers are clearly rightly proud of their work and find it a rewarding experience. I hope that this will encourage other interested individuals, businesses and organisations to volunteer with us.”

This year, the council will be inviting volunteers to assist with the following initiatives:

Great British Spring Clean (Keep Britain Tidy Campaign – March),

Monthly group litter picks (including evening and weekend events);

New projects to do with bench renovation and environmental clean-up days,

Leaf and fruit clean-ups in the autumn.

Those attending these and other volunteering events and activities will receive training and support and have the opportunity to earn Time Credits, where every hour of involvement earns a one-hour time credit – which can be spent in places like cinemas, gyms, swimming pools or music venues.

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