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Liberal Democrats make pitch for your vote at Cambridge City Council elections 2019

By Cllr Tim Bick - Liberal Democrat group leader, Cambridge City Council

Councillor Tim Bick. (9223963)
Councillor Tim Bick. (9223963)

Liberal Democrats are campaigning for a cleaner, greener and fairer Cambridge.

The city’s growth pressures are putting all three under strain; whether from air pollution, carbon emissions or costs of housing. And there’s a lack of leadership at the Guildhall.

We will clamp down on engine idling around schools and shops, in taxi and bus ranks: first steps in our plan to radically improve public transport and discourage private vehicles.

With time running out on climate change, we’ll ensure Cambridge responds by measuring existing plans against the goal of carbon neutrality by 2030 – and tackling the gap with renewed focus.

We will address our unequal housing market by building more homes of all types. Labour has always shown timidity and opposition on housing growth, but we advocate the development of the sewage works site and also Marshall’s airfield, each enabling regeneration and new quarters of character.

We will ensure maximum proportions of social and affordable housing and will provide a further 1,000 new council homes, using the council’s new borrowing powers. And we’ll introduce key worker housing let on local ‘living rents’.

Labour has lost its way. Big promises about poverty and disadvantage descended to farce with their charge on disabled people for the shopmobility service. Practical options to reduce pollution and improve the council’s climate change plans have been rejected. On long term planning for our city, no vision is offered.

Sounds like Labour on Brexit? It is. The same Labour councillors are flip-flopping on that too!

Read more of our plans at cambridgelibdems.org.uk/2019manifesto.

16 city council seats to be elected

Voters will go to the polls on Thursday, May 2 to elect candidates to 16 of the 42 Cambridge City Council seats.

The council, which is responsible for services including planning, housing, cultural events, car parks, bin collections and environmental health, is currently under Labour control. The Liberal Democrats, which has previously run the authority, will be hoping to make gains, as will the Green party. The Conservatives are fielding candidates too, and UKIP is contesting some wards. One Independent candidate, Sam Davies, will stand in Queen Edith’s (visit sam4qe.com).

In Trumpington, there are two candidates to be elected, due to the resignation of Donald Adey, following his move to Scotland. A by-election is also being held in the Trumpington division of Cambridgeshire County Council, following his resignation from that seat too.

Read all the party pitches for your vote at Cambridge City Council local elections 2019

Conservative pitch

Green Party pitch

Labour pitch

Liberal Democrats' pitch

UKIP pitch

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