‘Lightning strike on our Cambourne home has left us with virtually nothing’, says mother of two
A mother has told of the nightmare moment she came home with her two children from school to find her house on fire after it was struck by lightning.
Claire Richards and her daughters Esme, 4, and Mia, 6, have lost all their belongings after the freak incident, which destroyed the roof and top floor of their home in Upper Cambourne.
They are living in a hotel and have had to rely on donations of clothes and food to help them get by.
“It was a normal day, where I’d taken the kids to school and gone to work,” said Claire. “On the way home from work, I picked the kids up from school and found the fire service outside my house and the house on fire. It was a massive shock.
“It was about 3.15pm. All the neighbours were standing across the road, and the fire brigade was out the front of the house.
“I didn’t think it was mine until I literally drove up close and realised.
“My first thought was ‘the dogs are still in the house, and the cat’. But luckily the cat was out somewhere.”
One of the dogs had managed to get out, but the family’s puppy was stuck on the ground floor of the Hudson Road home and had to be rescued.
“We’ve lost pretty much everything,” said Claire, who did not have insurance for her belongings.
The house, owned by the housing association Samphire Homes, could take 18 months to rebuild.
“The top floor and upwards is gone,” said Claire. “Upstairs is all fire and smoke-damaged. The ceiling has collapsed into the bedrooms. Everything is burned.
“The council took some photos and showed me. They said they don’t think we’ll be able to salvage anything from upstairs, as it will all be contaminated.
“I don’t know if I’m allowed any of the kitchen stuff. They have to PAT test it because of the electric current that went through the house that blew the electrics.
“Downstairs is water-damaged, where the water has come through. The carpets are all gone. They smashed through the front and back door.
“It needs a complete rip-out and rebuild. We need to find somewhere to live as we’re currently living in hotels at the moment.”
Claire said the fire service had begun to get the flames under control by the time she arrived home. Crews from Cambourne, Gamlingay, Cambridge and St Neots along with a turntable ladder responded at 2.55pm on Friday, 14 June, and were on site until 6pm.
“They were really quick to come out and deal with it. All the neighbours heard the lightning and the explosion. One of the neighbours on Hudson Road actually saw it happen. I am so lucky we weren’t in,” she said.
“We were all in tears when we saw it. It is a huge shock.”
A GoFundMe appeal has been launched by Claire’s sister to help the family, with a target of £3,000 to help them buy clothes and essentials.
And Claire has been grateful for the support of friends, The Vine School and fellow parents.
“The school is helping a lot. The school mums have clubbed together and are donating clothes and food for us, and the school is taking in donations for us,” she said.
“We just had the clothes we were wearing. We literally walked away with nothing and were smelling of smoke. It was so late by the time we left but word must have got around on Facebook and WhatsApp and people were offering to take the kids, or give us clothes. One of the kid’s mums at school gave us clothes, a dog lead, food and bowls – you name it.
“Everyone has been donating cuddly toys and teddies for the kids.
“But some stuff you can’t replace. I’ve only got a front room and kitchen downstairs, so there was not much stored there, it was mostly in the bedrooms. Things like family jewellery, photos, videos, things that I’ve got from my grandparents, are things that you can’t get back.
“And the furniture, TVs, beds have gone – it’s a lot to think of.”
Claire is staying in a hotel in Swavesey as there is no room to stay in her mum’s home in Cambourne.
“It’s very tough – you’ve got no fridge or cooker. It’s difficult as it’s expensive to eat out,” said Claire.
Her neighbour – whose property suffered more minor damage – has been able to stay in her home and has been taking in her post.
“She’s been feeding my cat, which has been living rough. We’re allowed the dogs in the hotel, so it’s me, the two kids and two dogs in one room.”
Meanwhile, her friend and dog walker Will has also been collecting donations for her.
“I love Cambourne. Everyone has pulled together and everyone is so friendly. My dog walker, Will, has been amazing, he’s been bringing in donations. Everyone says ‘What are the chances?’ You just don’t think it will happen to you until it does.”
Meanwhile, the housing association is seeking a suitable property for Claire.
“I’m booked in the hotel until 2 July but fingers crossed they can find me something,” she says.
Visit gofundme.com/f/help-this-family-rebuild-there-life-after-house-fire to donate to the GoFundMe appeal.