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Marshall move from Cambridge a key factor in aeropark plans

Proposals for an aviation science park at Duxford have been unveiled by a Cambridge college, but the scheme will hinge on a traffic study and a decision by Marshall Aerospace and Defence Group about its new location.

Marshall has already identified Duxford as one of the three areas it is interested in moving to from its current base at Cambridge Airport. Its ultimate decision could have major implications for Duxford, along with the outcome of a recently commissioned traffic study that will take place in September.

General views of Marshall Head Office Newmarket Rd, Cambridge . Picture: Keith Heppell. (14021363)
General views of Marshall Head Office Newmarket Rd, Cambridge . Picture: Keith Heppell. (14021363)

All this comes ahead of a revamped local plan and draft proposals by Gonville & Caius College for the development of some of its land in the area. The college has responded to a call for sites request, putting forward the idea of a aeropark park, housing and a country park on its land.

District councillor Peter McDonald, while accepting that details of the new local plan were still some way off, said there were concerns about the future of Duxford village.

He said: “What I mentioned to Gonville & Caius, and also to the parish, was that any development along that corridor should really take into account the A505 study which is being commissioned in September/October. The A505 already carries almost 30,000 vehicles a day.

“So to superimpose additional traffic from an aeropark would be a concern. That is the first part of the proposal; the second part is to develop quite a few houses around Duxford and my concern is that it would change the entire nature of the village. It is not clear at the moment from the college whether those houses would be covenanted for local residents and/or people working in the area.

Marshall management at the announcement of major changes to the business. From left, Richard Howe, Alex Dorrian, Sir Michael Marshall, Robert Marshall and Alistair McPhee. Picture: Keith Heppell
Marshall management at the announcement of major changes to the business. From left, Richard Howe, Alex Dorrian, Sir Michael Marshall, Robert Marshall and Alistair McPhee. Picture: Keith Heppell

“I’ve said to Gonville & Caius the aeropark and the housing developments cannot be considered until the A505 questions are answered and until what we know the intentions of Marshall are.”

Another factor which will need to be considered is the impact on the IWM at Duxford and its flying events.

There are also concerns in Duxford and nearby villages about the impact other proposed developments will have on the area. As well as the aeropark, there are still proposals in the planning appeal process for a large agritech park, while the Wellcome Genome Campus is planning to expand and build new homes for its staff. And tech giant Huawei is moving into Sawston.

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Councils to meet Marshall team to discuss relocation and potential 12,000-home development in Cambridge

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