Mayor James Palmer seeks views on shortlist of options to improve A10 between Cambridge and Ely
A virtual road-trip along the A10 from Cambridge to Ely went live this week to garner public opinion on the options to improve the road.
The consultation demanded by statute will not be held until later this year, but James Palmer, the mayor of the Combined Authority, wants to start hearing people's views on the development of a major route in the area.
An information event has been set up online to share the routes and invite comments.
“I’m keen to hear from the community as soon as I can,” said Mr Palmer. “I want people to have time to weigh up the various A10 options, to decide which they think works best, and get their comments in early. I don’t want their chance to give opinions reduced by the Covid issue.
“So I asked the team to come up with a way we could inform people and invite their feedback while keeping them safe. And here it is – a virtual room with maps and details of the eight options.
“Every comment counts. We’re not committed to any options yet and I’m eager for lots of insights from the community to help inform not only the public consultation due later this year, but also the ultimate decisions about the greener, better A10 we want for our future.”
The eight options presented have been picked following the Department for Transport criteria, aimed at improving the A10 and all involved transformation to a dual carriageway with the environment a key factor - both in terms of the natural and built environments, and broadening scope for active travel.
The longlist of possibilities was narrowed to the eight top options, which will be assessed against effect on traffic flow, junctions and other roads; positive and negative social, economic and environmental impacts, and value for money.
“The ideal A10 needs to tick a lot of boxes, accommodating not only active travellers who are walking, cycling, or riding horses but also wide, slow-moving agricultural vehicles,” said Mr Palmer.
“We expect an increase in bus services, linking into a greener public transport system. A better and safer A10 needs to relieve pressure on rat-runs through the villages and help clean up air quality. It has a lot to deliver – but it’s a public highway and we need the public’s input to get it right.”
The Combined Authority plans to hold community information and engagement walk-ins when Covid-19 restrictions allow, but the virtual public event presents the key points and will remain open until July 14.
For more information, visit the online exhibition.
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