Plans underway to make Cambridge park and rides free
Cllr Ian Bates announced the county council's plans at last night's meeting of the City Deal board.
The £1 charge that faces users of the city’s park and ride sites could be removed, in efforts to make the service more appealing to commuters.
City Deal board member Ian Bates, as the board’s county representive, said: “I am actively looking at reducing or taking off the cost of £1 at the moment.”
As the video, filmed for FeCRA by Anthony Carpen, shows, the announcement may have taken the board by surprise, but was welcomed by both the chair Lewis Herbert and vice chair Francis Burkitt.
The workplace parking levy has been planned as a means to subsidise the park and ride cost, although it appears revenue generated could go elsewhere and perhaps towards reducing the price of the bus ticket, as has been put forward before.