Romance novel has charity in mind
Alzheimer's theme explored by first-time Cambridge author
Independent author Anthony Le Moignan’s romantic novel, set entirely in and around Cambridge, revolves around a young couple who fall in love in a care home – Emma, a married woman who works as a carer, and Simon, a self-admitted patient who has been diagnosed with early-onset Alzheimer’s.
A Long Goodbye features scenes from well-known local landmarks and locations, such as Cambridge University Botanic Garden, Addenbrooke’s Hospital, and Station Tavern.
One of the twists – nothing to do with the plot – is that Anthony’s first self-published novel is supporting the Cambridge-based charity Alzheimer’s Society, which will receive donations from the sale of the book.
The novel, an engrossing read full of unexpected bends and forks, has been dedicated to Anthony’s father, Des Le Moignan, a World War II Royal Air Force veteran who served from 1939 to 1945. Des had been living with Alzheimer’s for five years before passing away in January this year, aged 96.
Anthony said: “I want to do everything I can to enlighten people about this disease, the impact it has on families, and what we can do to help. Currently, there is no cure. For now, we have to focus on providing those affected with proper care.
“Through the sale of A Long Goodbye and my link with the Alzheimer’s Society, I’m proud to join the fight against dementia, and hope that in some way, no matter how insignificant, I’m able to make a difference.”
Tina Kierman, Alzheimer’s Society operations manager for Cambridgeshire and Bedfordshire, said: “I want to thank Anthony for uniting against dementia by supporting Alzheimer’s Society.
“As a charity, we rely on the generosity of individuals like Anthony to help us challenge perceptions, fund research and improve and provide care and support.
“In the UK, one person develops dementia every three minutes and almost everyone knows someone whose life has been affected. Yet too many people face the condition alone without adequate support.
“There are more than 10,000 people living with dementia in Cambridgeshire, so we are calling on everyone to unite and take actions, big or small, to make a huge difference to people affected by dementia.”
A Long Goodbye is available now as a paperback or eBook. 10 per cent of each sale will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Society.