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The green belt needs protecting, campaigners tell hearing over Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant move

Objectors have questioned why green belt land should be “sacrificed” in order to build the new Cambridge sewage works.

Government-appointed planners have begun to look at the plans to relocate the Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Plant from its current location in the north of the city, to land known as Honey Hill.

Illustrative image of proposed new Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Works. Image: Anglian Water
Illustrative image of proposed new Cambridge Waste Water Treatment Works. Image: Anglian Water

At an initial hearing last week, planners heard concerns from a number of groups about the impact of both the relocation of the sewage works, and the planned redevelopment of the land the plant currently sits on.

Anglian Water has submitted a Development Consent Order (DCO) application to build the new sewage works on land north of the A14 between Fen Ditton and Horningsea.

The new facility will replace the existing plant, in order to free up the land for the proposed North East Cambridge development, which could see more than 8,000 new homes and around 15,000 jobs created.

Anglian Water has said the new site would be “operationally net zero carbon” and would “provide a long-term solution” to meeting the demands of the growing population in the area.

In March 2019, £227million of funding was allocated to Anglian Water and Cambridge City Council from the government to fund the project.

This summer the government also announced hopes to see the project ‘accelerated’ as part of its new housing plans for the city.

The Planning Inspectorate has the responsibility to consider the plans and objections before making a decision on whether the development can go ahead.

The three government-appointed planners tasked with making this decision heard from objectors at the initial hearings.

Ian Ralls, from Cambridge Friends of the Earth, asked why green belt land should be “sacrificed” to allow more development in Cambridge.

He said: “We object to this development in the strongest possible terms. Our primary concern is the effect to the green belt.

“The green belt’s primary purpose is to prevent the city from spreading into surrounding countryside if and when the population and economy grows.

“Cambridge’s surrounding countryside is in desperate need of the protections offered by its green belt.

“Anglian Water has stated there are no operational reasons to move the water treatment plant, so why is the green belt being sacrificed for the gauntlet of wide scale development in Cambridge?”

Tony Booth, from Friends of the River Cam, said the impact of the proposed redevelopment of the existing sewage works site was “inseparable” from the proposed relocation application being considered by the Planning Inspectorate.

He said the carbon footprint of redeveloping the existing sewage into thousands of homes needed to be taken into account by the planners in their consideration of the new sewage works application.

Mr Booth also claimed there was currently a “gold rush” in Cambridge to develop land in order to make a profit, but argued the house-building had not reduced the housing shortage faced in the area.

He said: “I sometimes think what we are doing in this area is dragging other jobs and homes from the north of the country to the south of the country, mocking the whole notion of levelling up.”

Dr Alan James, chairman of CPRE Cambridgeshire and Peterborough, said: “We are concerned about the impact on Cambridge green belt.

“The Cambridge Waste Water Treatment plant is located in an industrial area, the proposed move will significantly industrialise an unspoilt area of green belt.

“We are concerned about the impact of the proposed buildings of the plant being so close to villages, and are concerned this will set a precedent and make it difficult to resist other industrial development in the green belt.

“The proposal scale of the stacks and buildings will be highly intrusive in the landscape and will encourage urban and industrial sprawl into the countryside.

“We are very, very concerned.”

A representative of Anglian Water told the hearing that they would respond in writing to all of the concerns raised at the hearing.

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