Unite with us and enjoy a series of new business networking breakfasts
iDentity Creative Chris Gooch is the speaker at the first event on January 25
The Cambridge Independent has teamed up with Cambridge United FC to host Business Breakfasts, where people can meet new connections over a hearty breakfast.
The breakfasts are a perfect way to get your business connections flowing and what’s more it is just £5 per head!
Top speakers are also lined-up to give you an insight into their own business models and know-how.
The first one is Chris Gooch, of iDentity Creative, who will be the speaker at the event on January 25.
Other breakfast dates are:
*March 1,
*March 29,
*April 26,
*May 24
*June 28.
Registration is 7.45am and events finish at 9.30am. Cost is £5 per head with a maximum of 40 guests – booking is essential.
You can book the event at http://www.cufc-events.co.uk/business-breakfasts/ For more information contact CUFC conferences and events manager Olivia Disley-Stevens on 01223 632125 or email olivia.disley-stevens@cambridge-united.co.uk