Who is the Milton secret Santa?
A secret Santa has been brightening up the walk to school by hiding presents along the route for children to discover.
Residents of Milton have been puzzling over the identity of the generous person behind the gifts, which began appearing a week ago.
Mum Danielle Peacock, of Milton, said: “My son, Greyson, was really excited when he found a present hidden in a bush. It was a Beanie Babies stuffed toy, wrapped up in cellophane and tied with a ribbon. We thought someone had dropped it at first, but then Grayson spotted lots of other presents tucked into the bushes.
“He called over other children and they found presents too. The children think it could be the real Santa leaving the presents for them to find.
“For a week or so someone has been putting presents out at night time and leaving them there for the walk to school. It's really heartwarming that someone is doing this just to put a smile on someone else's face at Christmas. It’s nice they are not taking any credit and are just doing it for the sake of being kind.”
Many other families have discovered the hidden presents, some of which were in wrapping paper and had a note written on them that said: “Thanks for finding this gift - it’s for you! Lots of love from Milton Secret Santa.”
Milton residents have taken to the village’s social media page to discuss their discoveries.
Kerry Beeson wrote: “Such a kind and generous thing to do. Who ever it is, you are an angel. After a hard day at school and feeling upset my daughter found a parcel, the smile on her face was priceless, it lifted her spirits and she forgot her worries. For this I thank you, this kind act made her feel so special.”
And Amelia grant added that one of the presents was “ound on the bench on the high street by a very excited little girl coming home from school”
She added: “Thank you Milton Secret Santa for your heart warming thoughtful gift. You are a very kind and true spirit of Christmas.”