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Another chance to network at new business breakfast event

Cambridge United CEO Jez George (left) and Iliffe Media managing director Ricky Allan. Picture: Keith Heppell
Cambridge United CEO Jez George (left) and Iliffe Media managing director Ricky Allan. Picture: Keith Heppell

The Cambridge Independent has teamed up with the Cambridge United FC to host the series of events, at which business representatives can meet new connections over a hearty breakfast.

The Cambridge Independent's second Business Breakfast networking event with Cambridge United takes place on Wednesday, March 1 - and will hear from the club's CEO, Jez George.

The first event, on January 25, attracted representatives of more than 25 companies and heard from Chris Gooch, of iDentity Creative.

The meetings are a perfect way to get your business connections flowing - and cost just £5 per head!

Mr George will be talking about working closely with businesses and the community.

Other Business Breakfasts take place on March 29, April 26, May 24 and June 28.

Registration is at 7.45am and events finish at 9.30am. There is a maximum of 40 guests - booking is essential.

You can book at cufc-events.co.uk/business-breakfasts.

For more details, contact United's conferences and events manager Olivia Disley-Stevens on 01223 632125 or email olivia.disley-stevens@cambridge-united.co.uk.

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