David Mitchell reads extracts from his new book and takes questions from the audience at Ely Cathedral
David Mitchell spoke to around 1,000 people about his latest book, Unruly, at Ely Cathedral.
It was the third time the actor, comedian and writer had appeared at the cathedral to discuss a book, following visits in 2014 and 2019.
Charlotte Stewart, events manager at Ely bookshop Toppings, who organised the event, which took place on Tuesday, October 3, said: “It’s his first history book but it’s packed with as much humour as you would expect, and it was a really great evening.”
She added that he also fielded questions from the audience. Mitchell’s appearance followed the similarly popular event with Michael Palin at the cathedral,
This Friday, the cathedral will welcome sports broadcaster Clare Balding. For more information, visit elycathedral.org/events/clare-balding.