Try our new weekly general knowledge quiz with friends and family
Compete against friends and family in our new weekly online quiz. There are 13 questions in total - just scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.
1. TRUE OR FALSE? Meghan Markle's first name is Rachel.
2. WHO AM I? Name the celebrity pictured above?
3. ODD ONE OUT: Can you spot the odd one out from this list of seven capital cities? Brasília; Cape Town; Caracas; Harare; Montevideo; Nairobi; Santiago.
4. REMEMBER WHEN? The following events all occurred in a year in living memory. Do you know the year?
▶ The Vietnam War ends with the fall of Saigon
▶ Britain voted in a referendum to stay in the Common Market
▶ Police began the hunt for Carlos the Jackal
▶ Margaret Thatcher became leader of the Conservative Party
5. WHAT'S COOKING: Can you name this classic dish? Its main ingredients are offal, oats, suet and onion.
6. QUESTION OF SPORT: Do you know the three clubs that former England midfielder Frank Lampard has scored goals for in the Premier League?
7. POPTEASER: Which American state features in the lyrics of Stick Season by Noah Khan?
8. WORDWISE: What is the meaning of the word, SMICKER?
▶ To laugh with
▶ To insult
▶ To look amorously
9. WHO... starred as James Bond in the movies the Man With the Golden Gun and Octopussy?
10. WHAT… war opened with the Battles of Lexington and Concord?
11. WHERE... will this year's Superbowl be played in February?
12. WHEN… did Norma Jean Mortenson legally change her name to Marilyn Monroe?
13. WHERE AM I? Name the English town pictured below? If you need a clue, it's roughly 100 miles from London.
ANSWERS: 1 True; 2 Former darts star Bobby George; 3 Caracas in Venezuela is the only city listed above the Equator; 4 1975; 5 Haggis; 6 4 West Ham United (24), Chelsea (147) and Manchester City (6); 7 Vermont (And I love Vermont, but it's the season of the sticks); 8 To look amorously; 9 Roger Moore; 10 American War of Independence; 11 New Orleans; 12 February 1956; 13 Bournemouth in Dorset