P-p-pick up a penguin in Prickwillow
Continuing what has become a festive tradition in the village of Prickwillow, artist Cary Outis has once again decorated the local red telephone box for Christmas – this time by dressing it up as a penguin.
Cary, who also runs the Prickwillow Art Space at St Peter’s church in the village, along with his wife, said that this was the 14th year in a row that he has been involved in decorating the phone box.
He said: “I could get all philosophical on you and say the world is upside down, so penguins shouldn’t be involved in the northern hemisphere at all and all that sort of thing...
“But also we should pay more attention to penguins, frankly, because they’re wonderful and they’re having a tough time because of global warming – and also it’s just sheer pleasure making one! And a challenge.”
[Read more: Prickwillow phone box gets Picasso-inspired makeover]
The penguin went on the phone box on 3 December. It will stay up over Christmas and get taken down on New Year’s Day.