Sinking bridges, damaged roads, missing cycle paths and lost public rights of way are some of the issues.
The council issued an enforcement notice earlier this year.
Councillors heard it is now under management and is being sold.
County council says it’s a cost-effective way to improve road safety.
It follows resignation of Pippa Heylings, who was elected as South Cambridgeshire’s MP in July.
With five-minute neighbourhoods and low car use, an outline application is expected in spring 2025.
East Cambs district councillors want a bylaw in place.
A proposed water credits system will achieve ‘nothing’, he claims.
Four new buildings have been approved.
The county council said there is nowhere else for them to go.
Councillors granted planning permission for a three-storey R&D site.
Reinforced Autoclaved Aerated Concrete (RAAC) was used to build the hospital roof.
The deadline for a decision was set for Saturday, 12 October.
A new office block will be added - but councillors had concerns.
The wall along the edge of the bank needs to be replaced.
The county council has received 66 applications for the lower speed limit.
Work to refurbish the courts is ‘controversial’.
60 affordable homes will be included.
Views from supporters and opponents were heard by the committee.
However, concerns have been raised about the new location.