A planning application for the travel hub off the M11 junction 11 will be discussed next week.
Remainder of report into issue of Roger Hickford’s farm tenancy finally published
Lib Dems argue evidence that investors were the target is clear - but Labour refutes claim.
The University of Cambridge college wants to honour the wartime codebreaker - but previous plans met with concerns.
South Cambridgeshire’s MP Anthony Browne has called on Boris Johnson to help make sure local NHS staff are paid fairly.
A motion calling for the council to consider building a new school for children with special educational needs and disabilities has gained support.
Cllr Bridget Smith was in buoyant mood after her party gained seven seats.
Polls are open on May 5 to elect councillors to Cambridge City Council and South Cambridgeshire District Council.
Voters will elect councillors to 16 seats on May 5.
They were deemed mediocre and a disappointment.
Councillors have made their decision after a licensing meeting.
Under the proposals, the former headquarters building will be kept, but all other buildings will be demolished.
A decision is due this week from a council committee.
A trial banning cars from outside schools has been found to improve safety for children – but permanent plans cannot be made due to a lack of funding.
But proposal to await verdict from public consultation before committing funds is voted down.
City councillors heard a variety of views at their meeting.
Councillors called for more affordable rent flats on the Huntingdon Road site.
Hospital trust chair, Mike More, said the board was ‘horrified and appalled’ by the conflict.
It has been on site for 22 years.
Under the plans the GCP scheme will create spaces for 2,150 cars and 326 bikes on farmland between Trumpington and Hauxton.